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Traveling to Alonissos by plane is undoubtedly the most convenient option, especially during the tourist season. Most European airlines offer one or two flights per week to Volos or Skiathos. Upon your arrival in Volos or Skiathos, you can easily continue your journey by ferry to Alonissos. The ports are easily accessible from the airport via taxi rides.

For travelers who are more flexible or traveling outside the tourist season, there is also the option to travel via Athens or Thessaloniki. From Athens or Thessaloniki you can take a bus or a taxi to Volos. This is a longer and more complicated trip, but can offer an interesting opportunity to spend some time in these fascinating cities before continuing your journey to Alonissos.


In season flights to Volos or Skiathos
Out of season flights to Thessaloniki or Athens 

Bus connections
Thessaloniki – Volos and Athens – Volos
Information and timetables for bus connections from Thessaloniki or Athens to Volos, as well as the addresses of the bus stations, can be found at

Ferry connections
Volos - Alonissos, Thessaloniki - Alonissos, Mantoudi/Evia - Alonissos
Italy - Igoumenitsa, Italy - Patras

Information about ferry routes, timetables, reservations and online bookings can be found at

Taxi services
Thessaloniki – Volos approx. 200 euros 

Athens – Volos approx. 270 euros

The choice of the best travel route depends on your personal preferences, your schedule, and the availability of flights. Regardless of how you arrive, your arrival on Alonissos will undoubtedly be the beginning of an unforgettable journey into a picturesque and historic island world.


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